Repository\Publications - Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

KFU's catalog of scientific and educational resources:
51490 open access pages of employees, 109690 items

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Authors staff students
Form of presentation
Year of publication
With files
Form of presentation Name Year of publication Authors
Articles in international journals and collections A.R. Bibikina R.F. Mirkhasanov. Schroder House Gerrit Thomas Rietveld as the Devolopment and Transformation of the Architectural Color Composition of the Ancient Temple in the 20 of the XX Century // Link Springer. - 2023. ISCICC 2022: Industrial and Civil Construction 2022 pp 294–301
2023 Bibikina Angelina Rustamovna
Articles in international journals and collections Balabanova Yu.P. Formation of modern public spaces. The concept of landscaping the territory of the quarter in the city of Yelabuga, Russia. / Yu.P Balabanova, M.I. Lushpaeva, K.M. Badrutdinova, A.M. Khisamova // KAZAN OIC Youth capital 2022. OIC Youth Sceientific Congress. - 2022. - №1. - S. 226-230
2022 Balabanova Yuliya Petrovna
Lushpaeva Mariya Igorevna
Badrutdinova Kamila Maratovna
Khisamova Alina Maratovna
Articles in international journals and collections Chen Y, Aghaabbasi M, Ali M, Hybrid bayesian network models to investigate the impact of built environment experience before adulthood on students? tolerable travel time to campus: Towards sustainable commute behavior//Sustainability (Switzerland). - 2022. - Vol.14, Is.1. - Art. №325.
2022 Nabiullina Karina Rashidovna
Sabitov Linar Salikhzanovich
Articles in international journals and collections Duhovnik, A., Balabanova, Y., Lushpaeva, M., Gaiduk, A., & Nurullin, A. (2023). Analysis of promising methods for felling for forest care by multi-operation systems of machines. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 390). EDP Sciences.
2023 Balabanova Yuliya Petrovna
Gayduk Albina Rinatovna
Lushpaeva Mariya Igorevna
Nurullin Aydar Faritovich
Articles in international journals and collections Erofeev, V.T., Rodin, A.I., Karpushin, S.N., Sanyagina, Y.A., Klyuev, S.V., Sabitov, L.S. (2023). Biological and Climatic Resistance of Cement Composites Based on Biocidal Binders. In: Klyuev, S.V., Klyuev, A.V., Vatin, N.I., Sabitov, L.S. (eds) Innovations and Technologies in Construction. BUILDINTECH BIT 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 307. Springer, Cham.
2023 Klyuev Sergey Vasilevich
Sabitov Linar Salikhzanovich
Articles in international journals and collections E3S Web of Conferences 274, 01016 (2021) DOI:
2021 Bashirova Elza Ildarovna
Articles in international journals and collections E3S Web of Conferences 274, 01019 (2021) DOI: e3sconf/202127401019
2021 Bashirova Elza Ildarovna
Denisenko Elena Vladimirovna
Articles in international journals and collections Gaptraupova Z.N. About Socialization of Restored Mansions in Russia / Gaptraupova Z.N., Emanova J.G., Salakhova R.I. // Revista Publicando. - 2017. - Vol. 4. - Is. 13. - P. 342-350.
2017 Galeeva Zukhra Nailevna
Emanova Yuliana Gennadevna
Salakhova Rada Insafovna
Yao Mikhail Konstantinovich
Articles in international journals and collections Hakro M.R, Kumar A, Almani Z, Compaction Characteristics and Permeability of Expansive Shale Stabilized with Locally Produced Waste Materials//Materials. - 2022. - Vol.15, Is.6. - Art. №2138.
2022 Klyuev Sergey Vasilevich
Sabitov Linar Salikhzanovich
Articles in international journals and collections Helene Bazhanova.The Question of the Influence of European Modernism on the Creative Identity of Vladimir Nabokov // The Journal of Social Sciences Research ISSN(e): 2411-9458, ISSN(p): 2413-6670 Special Issue. 1, pp: 447-450, 2018
2018 Bazhanova Elena Anatolevna
Articles in international journals and collections Interpretation of Rococo style in the Products of Furniture Makers from Pubois Family / L.R. Akhmetova, M.K.Yao, R.F. Salakhov // The Sosial Sciens. - 2015.- Vol.10. - № 7.- Р. 1822-1827.
2015 Mukhametzyanova Liliya Rinatovna
Salakhov Rasykh Farukovich
Yao Mikhail Konstantinovich
Articles in international journals and collections Juliana Gennadievna Emanova, Mikhail Konstantinovich Yao, Lubov Markelovna Yao, Klara Hakimovna Karamova, Linar Salikhzanovich Sabitov. Sociological Investigation of the Alignment of Linguistic and Cultural Values of Environmentalists with International Environmental Protection Agreements: With an Emphasis in English Language. Special Issue: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Research in Applied Linguistics (ICRAL) (October 30, 2023); Journal of Research in Applied Linguistics, рр. 492 - 494.
2023 Emanova Yuliana Gennadevna
Karamova Klara Khakimovna
Sabitov Linar Salikhzanovich
Yao Lyubov Markelovna
Yao Mikhail Konstantinovich
Articles in international journals and collections K.M. Badrutdinova. Concept of the Territory Improvement of Shishkin Museum - estate, Russia. / K.M. Badrutdinova, M.I. Lushpaeva // II OIC Youth Scientific Congress. -2023. -P.181-184.
2023 Lushpaeva Mariya Igorevna
Badrutdinova Kamila Maratovna
Articles in international journals and collections Konkova D.V. Stylistic analysis of Jean Jacques Lagrenet works and his interpretation of Ovid ««metamorposes«« / D.V. Konkova, J.G. Emanova, R.I. Salakhova // Journal of Language and Literature. - 2015. - Vol.6. - № 3. - P.123-128.
2015 Emanova Yuliana Gennadevna
Konkova Darya Vladimirovna
Salakhova Rada Insafovna
ECM programs, databases, integrated circuit topographies «ПРОГРАММА ДЛЯ ОПТИМИЗАЦИИ ТРЕХГРАННЫХ РЕШЕТЧАТЫХ КОНСТРУКЦИЙ ПО КРИТЕРИЮ МАКСИМУМА КРИТИЧЕСКОЙ НАГРУЗКИ «AUTORSS.08» Ахтямова Л.Ш., Сабитов Л.С., Иващенко И.О., Чепурненко А.С., Зинькова В.А. Свидетельство о регистрации программы для ЭВМ 2023664865, 10.07.2023. Заявка № 2023663473 от 28.06.2023.
2023 Akhtyamova Leysan Shamilevna
Sabitov Linar Salikhzanovich
Chepurnenko Anton Sergeevich
Russian patents «ПРОГРАММА ДЛЯ РАСЧЕТА НЕРАЗРЕЗНОЙ ПОДКРАНОВОЙ БАЛКИ» Гарькин И.Н., Гарькина И.А., Сабитов Л.С., Зинькова В.А. Свидетельство о регистрации программы для ЭВМ 2023618735, 27.04.2023. Заявка № 2023616982 от 11.04.2023.
2023 Garkin Igor Nikolaevich
Sabitov Linar Salikhzanovich
Articles in international journals and collections Litvinov, S., Vysokovsky, D., Lesnyak, L., Yazyev, B., Sabitov, L. (2023). Investigating of the Residual Stresses During the Extraction of a Polymer Product from an Extruder. In: Klyuev, S.V., Klyuev, A.V., Vatin, N.I., Sabitov, L.S. (eds) Innovations and Technologies in Construction. BUILDINTECH BIT 2022. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, vol 307. Springer, Cham.
2023 Litvinov Stepan Viktorovich
Sabitov Linar Salikhzanovich
Yazyev Batyr Meretovich
Articles in international journals and collections Loganina V, Davydova O, Fediuk R, Improving the Durability of Lime Finishing Mortars by Modifying Them with Silicic Acid Sol//Materials. - 2022. - Vol.15, Is.7. - Art. №2360.
2022 Klyuev Sergey Vasilevich
Nabiullina Karina Rashidovna
Sabitov Linar Salikhzanovich
Articles in international journals and collections Loganina VI, Fediuk RS, Lesovik VS, Application of fractal analysis to assess the quality of the appearance of paint and varnish coatings//MAGAZINE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. - 2024. - Vol.17, Is.2. - Art. №12608.
2024 Klyuev Sergey Vasilevich
Sabitov Linar Salikhzanovich
Articles in international journals and collections M. I. Tukmakova, S. V. Novikov, E. I. Bashirova, A. R. Bibikina & D. D. Efimov. Architecture of Closed Creative Spaces: Typology and Functional Structure // Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering book series (LNCE,volume 436) Link Springer. - 2023. ISCICC 2022: Industrial and Civil Construction 2022 pp 240–251
2023 Bashirova Elza Ildarovna
Bibikina Angelina Rustamovna
Novikov Stepan Viktorovich
Tukmakova Milyausha Ilgisovna
Bibikina Angelina Rustamovna
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