Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияУчебники без грифа
Год публикации2015
  • Куштанова Галия Гатинишна, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Куштанова Г.Г. WELL TEST ANALYSIS. Уч. - метод. пособие./ Г.Г. Куштанова.- Казань: КПФУ, 2015-42с.
    Аннотация The teaching textbook for the course of lectures discusses the well tests analysis. The new interpretation methods, using the derivative of the pressure, magnify the characteristic features of the many different types of wells and reservoirs. Focus is placed on computerized interpretation of complex systems. The interpretation software packages have been used for the preparation of the color Figures: SAPHIR of KAPPA Engineering This study guide will be useful for students, graduate students, postgraduate students as well as for the researchers in the field of the well test analysis and hydrodynamic studies of reservoir.
    Ключевые слова reservoir, pressure derivative, log-log scale, skin, flow regime, fractured well, boundaries, build up anaysis
    URL http://libweb.kpfu.ru/ebooks/06-IPh/06_44_A5-001001.pdf
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