Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в зарубежных журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2016
  • Кадырова Резеда Габдулловна, автор
  • Смирнова Елена Васильевна, автор
  • Уразметов Ильдар Анварович, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Elena Vasil'evna Smirnova, Rezeda Gabdullovna Kadyrova, and Il'dar Anvarovich Urazmetov.Chemical and Biological Features of Soils of Urban Territories/Elena Vasil'evna Smirnova, Rezeda Gabdullovna Kadyrova, and Il'dar Anvarovich Urazmetov//International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research (IJBR),-Vol-7, Issue-2, 2016, pp784-790.
    Аннотация There have been observed chemical and biological qualities of urbanized soils and soil-like bodies of the city of Kazan. There has been given an assessment of their enzymological (urease ) activity of the speed of degrading of urea, of reaction of soil solution, of contents of organic carbon. It is shown that chemical and biological qualities of studied soils have been seriously transformed and significantly differ from the complex of qualities of original natural analogs. There has been discovered the increase of pH of soil solution up to 7,0-8,2, high variation in contained organic substance, available forms of elements of nutrients of plants (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), flexible compounds of heavy metals and variety of activity of enzyme of urease. There has been discovered the absence of dependence of enzymological activity of city soil-like compounds from their acid-alcaline conditions and contained organic body.
    Ключевые слова urban soils, chemical qualities, biological qualities, enzymological activity
    Название журнала International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research (IJBR)ISSN 0976-2612, Online ISSN 2278–599X
    URL http://www.bipublication.com
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