Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в зарубежных журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2018
  • Хабутдинова Милеуша Мухаметзяновна, автор
  • Машакова Айнур Касымзяновна, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Khabutdinova М.М., Mashakova A.K. Modern Tatar publicists of Kazakhstan /М.М.Khabutdinova , A.K.Mashakova // Хабаршы. Вестник КАЗАХСКИЙ НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ имени АЛЬ-ФАРАБИ. – 2018. - №1 (169). - рр. 49-55
    Аннотация The article deals with modern Tatar publicism in Kazakhstan. The novelty of the research is related to the fact that the authors of the paper have identified the most significant figures among contemporary Tatar publicists. The material for the study include publicist books, feature articles, essays, papers by M. Erzin, G. Khairullin, R. Bikmukhametova, F. Baygeldinov, T. Karimov, S. Bagautdinov. The study showed that modern Tatar publicism in Kazakhstan is distinguished by dynamic development. The Tatar publicists, on the one hand, turn to the historical past of the Tatar people, on the other – devote their works to the modern life. They highlight not only the life of the Tatars in Kazakhstan, but also relevant issues, the phenomena of the current life of modern society in our country, comprehending aesthetic ideals and moral values
    Ключевые слова publicism, the Tatars, Kazakhstan, books, feature articles, essays, papers
    Название журнала Хабарши/Вестник
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