Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в зарубежных журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2018
  • Абдрафикова Альбина Ринатовна, автор
  • Пименова Татьяна Сергеевна, автор
  • Ярмакеев Искандер Энгелевич, автор
  • Трегубова Татьяна Моисеевна, автор
  • Назарова Оксана Кабировна, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Nazarova Oksana K., Yarmakeev Iskander E., Pimenova Tatiana S., Abdrafikova Albina R., Tregubova Tatiana M. The Role of Scientific Research Work In Students' Professional Competence Formation / Oksana K. Nazarova, Iskander E. Yarmakeev, Tatiana S. Pimenova, Albina R. Abdrafikova, Tatiana M. Tregubova // Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods. - 2018. - № 8 (11). - PP. 216-221. DOI: 10.26655/mjltm.2018.11.1
    Аннотация Scientific research work of students is regarded as the most important part of the system of training highly qualified specialists who have to be able to search for the best solutions to socio-economic and socio-cultural problems. Therefore, scientific research work of students is a key issue in the higher education system. Scientific-research work of university students presupposes: mastering the scientific methods of cognition; learning educational materials; practicing means of independent solutions to scientific problems. Scientific research work of students allows identifying the most gifted students with a strong motivation to research activities. In this study, the authors claim that research work can captivate all students regardless of whether they have scholastic aptitude, or not. Moreover, the authors assert that scientific research work forms students' scientific creativity and develops their skills of autonomous and team work.
    Ключевые слова e-learning resource, independent solutions of scientific problems, research work elements, scientific research work, skills of autonomous and team work, students? professional competence, students? scientific creativity
    Название журнала Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods
    URL http://mjltm.org/article-1-331-en.pdf
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