Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в зарубежных журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2018
  • Пашкуров Алексей Николаевич, автор
  • Разживин Анатолий Ильич, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Aleksej Nikolaevich Pashkurov et al. The idyll and the problems of harmonizing culture / Aleksej Nikolaevich Pashkurov, Anatolij Ilich Razzhivin, Irina Yulievna Dulalaeva //Opción, Año 34, No. 85 (2018): 1904-1917
    Аннотация Dialectical contradictions have always accompanied the developing human civilization and it is not surprising that thinkers of different cultures and times have long been deeply interested in finding a way to reconcile them. Consequently, one of the most important tasks is to develop new strategies for the harmonization of literary culture as solely this can work as a reliable «antidote« for the disharmony dissonances. Being in line with the general problem of harmonization in culture, the article focuses on the genesis and evolution of the genre of idyll as a special ideological model. Discussing the actual aspects of the general humanitarian theory of literary culture it touches upon one of the central philosophical concepts of the so-called «unified theory of interactions« and pays special attention to the methodology of the study. The work gives a systematic review of the philosophical ideas about idyll (Gessner, Herder, Goethe and a number of others) that emerged in the early modern era. The particularities of the poetry of the sentimentalist-pre-romantic period of the 18th – 19thcenturies consider the originality of the philosophy of Nature as the epicenter of harmonizing trends in the genre of idyll. The data of philosophical aesthetics of that time are attracted, including the ideas of poets and thinkers about the categories of the Sublime and the Beautiful. An important role in the context of the study is played by a comprehensive review of the general cultural processes (among them, for example, the aesthetics of the so-called «landscape Park« in Europe of Modern times).
    Ключевые слова literary culture, the concept of harmony, the genre of the idyll, Religious Sublime
    Название журнала Opción
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