Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в зарубежных журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2018
  • Файзуллина Найля Ивановна, автор
  • Фаттахова Наиля Нурыйхановна, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Nailya Fattakhova. Folk formulas in English Riddles /Naylya Faizullina, Nailya Fattakhova // Herald NAMSCA 3, 2018. Pp.678-680
    Аннотация Folklore texts have recently become the object of increasing linguistic and cultural analysis. The reason for this is the fact that folklore texts, which are characterized by stability of their structure seem to reflect th e national perception of the wo rld. Riddles attract scientists because of complexity of their structural organization, as well as the uniqueness of the encoding of the denotation. In the article the author explores presence of folk formulas in the English folk riddles. The author s com e to the conclusion that there are two types of stable formulas. The first group of formulas is used to denote the beginning or the end of the riddle. Such formulas essentially perform the pragmatic function focusing the listener on the subsequent message , or motivate for the quick finding the right answer. The second group is involved in the encoding of the denotation, but does not bring additional information. The author s put forward the assumption, that a the second group phrases were created due to English national thinking and way of life of archaic man
    Ключевые слова riddle, folklore, folk formula, pragmatics, denotation
    Название журнала Herald NAMSCA
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