Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в зарубежных журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2019
  • Насыров Ильдар Искандарович, автор
  • Насыров Искандар Наилович, автор
  • Насыров Рустам Искандарович, автор
  • Хайруллин Булат Аскарович, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Nasyrov I.N., Nasyrov I.I., Nasyrov R.I., Khairullin B.A. Positioning errors indication by Seek error rate and other HDD parameters // Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems. 2019. Vol.11, Is.8 Special Issue. P. 1797-1805.
    Аннотация The dependence of the change of the SMART parameter 7 Seek error rate value on the operating time, which characterizes the frequency of errors when positioning the block of magnetic heads, is considered. This parameter is critical in the sense that the greater its value, the worse the condition of the mechanical part of the structure and / or the surface of the hard disk having these values. The scientific task of the study is to establish the relationship in the failed hard drives between the specified parameter and the values of other reliability parameters for information stores of various manufacturers. In the course of the study, the drives of the HGST, Hitachi, Samsung, ST, Toshiba, WDC trademarks operated in the Backblaze largest commercial data centre were analysed.The analysis revealed the relationship between this parameter and the parameters 1 Read error rate (frequency of errors (when reading data from the disk), the origin of which is due to the hardware of the disk), 5 Reallocated sectors count (the number of reallocated sectors), 196 Reallocation event count (the number of reallocation operations), 197 Current pending sector count (the number of sectors that are candidates for replacement). It is shown that the nature of the change in the values of the considered parameters depends on the manufacturers of the hard drives. It is proposed to carry out an individual assessment of the reliability of the positioning mechanism for a block of magnetic heads of information storage devices using the parameters identified as a result of the study.
    Ключевые слова Magnetic Head Positioning, Hard Drive, Reliability, Information, Security, Drive
    Название журнала Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
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