Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в зарубежных журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2018
  • Гайнуллина Гульфия Расилевна, автор
  • Мухаметзянова Лейля Руслановна, автор
  • Фаезова Ландыш Робертовна, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Faezova Landysh R., Gainullina Gulfiya R., Mukhametzyanova Leilya, SYNTHETISM IN THE PROSE OF MIRGAZIYAN YUNUS//IIOAB JOURNAL. - 2018. - Vol.9, Is.. - P.170-173.
    Аннотация The article explores different forms of synthesis of the principles of realist and modernist poetics on the example of early works of M. Yunus 'Walking philosopher' (novella) and 'The Feast' (short novel). It analyzes the multidimensionality of literary structure, imagery and stylistic features of his works. The work of M. Yunus is characterized by a special role of the author in the text and its publicistic nature that are specific to the genre of travel writing. The author shows his individual style of writing, proves himself a master of syncretic art who stands out by providing a deep philosophical analysis of the real-life material on unique topics. These very topics will then gain national colours in the work of M. Yunus slowly turning towards Psychologism. The philosophy of his works is a world of his enormous soul that searches for the meaning of life and strives for perfection and harmony.
    Ключевые слова Tatar literature, Realism, Modernism, Existentialism, subjective architectonics, Synthetism.
    Название журнала IIOAB JOURNAL
    URL https://www.iioab.org/IIOABJ_9.S2_170-173.pdf
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