Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в зарубежных журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2020
  • Аббас Хамид Ибрахим Аббас , автор
  • Аль-Мунтасер Амин Ахмед Мохаммед , автор
  • Ахмадияров Айдар Анфисович, автор
  • Варфоломеев Михаил Алексеевич, автор
  • Клочков Владимир Васильевич, автор
  • Рахматуллин Ильфат Зуфарович, автор
  • Сувейд Мунир Абдо Мохаммед , автор
  • Феоктистов Дмитрий Александрович, автор
  • Чемоданов Артем Евгеньевич, автор
  • Юань Чэнгдонг , автор
  • Domínguez-Álvarez E. , автор
  • Амерханов Марат И., автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала A.A. Al-Muntaser, M.A. Varfolomeev, M.A. Suwaid, C. Yuan, A.E. Chemodanov, D.A. Feoktistov, I.Z. Rakhmatullin, M. Abbas, E. Domínguez-Álvarez, A.A. Akhmadiyarov, V.V. Klochkov, M.I. Amerkhanov. Hydrothermal upgrading of heavy oil in the presence of water at sub-critical, near-critical and supercritical conditions, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 184, 106592
    Аннотация In this study, the hydrothermal upgrading (HTU) of high sulfur-content heavy oil was investigated at sub-critical (Sub-CW), near-critical (NCW) and supercritical water (SCW) conditions. Products obtained after HTU, including gases, liquid, and coke (if formed), were analyzed to understand the upgrading performance at different conditions. At Sub-CW (200, 250, and 300 C), 250 C is the optimum temperature where a viscosity reduction from 2073 to 1758 mPa s was achieved with a slight removal of sulfur (mainly sulfur) and the generation of a small amount of light and non-condensable hydrocarbons in gas phase (C1–C4, isoalkanes and alkenes, H2S, CO2 and H2, etc.). At NCW (350 C) and SCW (400 C), heavy oil was upgraded into light oil with a significant removal of heteroatoms, an increase of saturates content, a reduction of aromatics, resins and asphaltenes contents, and a high yield of light gaseous hydrocarbons (mainly methane). Simultaneously, each SARA fraction was also greatly ameliorated: the content of light alkanes with low molecular weight in saturates was increased, diaromatics content in aromatics was increased with a reduction of polyaromatics content, aromatics-type carbon atoms in resins was increased with a decrease in aliphatic hydrocarbons. Moreover, MALDI-TOF measurements of asphaltenes show that the molecular weights of asphaltenes were reduced. All these results indicated that HTU at Sub-CW can be used for heavy oil pre-treatment (in-situ or ex-situ upgrading) considering its main effect of viscosity reduction with a small removal of heteroatoms, while HTU at NCW and SWC has a great potential in insitu and ex-situ upgrading and oil refining as it can convert heavy oil into light oil.
    Ключевые слова heavy oil, hydrothermal upgrading, sub-critical water, near-critical water, supercritical water, in-situ upgrading
    Название журнала Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
    URL https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0920410519310137?via%3Dihub
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