Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в зарубежных журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2020
  • Артемьева Татьяна Васильевна, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Artemyeva T.V., Dialectic transformation in the humor of children//Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy. - 2020. - Vol.11, Is.12. - P.1428-1433.
    Аннотация Purpose of the study: Humor is a complex phenomenon that includes many psychological functions including cognitive processes, emotions, and communication which manifest themselves in various social and cultural contexts. The purpose of this research was to study dialectic mental actions, non-verbal intelligence and actions involved in understanding the humor of children of a preschool age and to reveal the correlations between them. Methodology: The methods that were used included the author's method of “Funny Plots”, the method of “Dialectical Stories”, and “Raven's Color Progressive Matrices”. The study involved 40 children 5-7 years of age. Results: The researchers could reveal correlations between the action of transformation according to the humor methodology and the following dialectic actions: closure (r = .48**); change of alternatives (r = .38*), mediation (32*). However, no correlation was found between the indicator according to the “Raven Progressive Matrices” method and the actions involved in creating humor. The study suggests that good development of actions of dialectic thinking in preschoolers allows them to understand the contradictions and inconsistencies that are essential for understanding and creating humor.
    Ключевые слова Humor, Dialectics, Intelligence, Child, Preschool age
    Название журнала Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy
    URL https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85094134976&doi=10.31838%2fsrp.2020.12.212&partnerID=40&md5=90d4e54d913180c68909329576968674
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