Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в зарубежных журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2020
  • Данилов Андрей Владимирович, автор
  • Зарипова Рината Раисовна, автор
  • Салехова Ляйля Леонардовна, автор
  • Anyameluhor Nnamdi , автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Developing Computer Literacy of Bilingual Students via CLIL Methodology/ Andrew V. Danilov, Rinata R. Zaripova, Leila L.Salekhova, Nnamdi Anyameluhor// International Journal of Higher Education Vol. 9, No. 8; 2020, PP.19-23.
    Аннотация The research intended to present the scientific basis of CLIL and validate CLIL technology's implementation in a Russian higher education institution to develop computer literacy of Russian bilingual learners experimentally. Consequently, we acquired two essential scientifically proven procedures for implementing science education and math for multilingual learners in the educational institutions of The Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. The initial one indicates that bilingual learners can adjust their mother language to the bilingual education program's Russian education environment. The second one includes the concept of language immersion: educating bilingual learners utilizing the Russian language. In compliance with the first strategy, we devised computer-assisted learning assistance of CLIL implementation to evolve bilingual Tatar learners' computer literacy in teaching Informatics. The bilingual resource is made up of seven modules. It has been developed with the aid of commonly available technologies as well as Web 2.0 services. The investigation was managed to demonstrate the efficiency of CLIL technology to develop computer literacy of Tatar learners. The Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication of Kazan Federal University was adopted as a site for the experiment: 69 students of the first year of education participated in the pilot experiment. The experiment outcomes revealed that CLIL, as a technology to teach Informatics, improves the development of bilingual learners' computer literacy.
    Ключевые слова Informatics, bilingual learner, computer literacy.
    Название журнала International Journal of Higher Education
    URL http://www.sciedupress.com/journal/index.php/ijhe/article/view/19310
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