Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в зарубежных журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2021
  • Шиманский Владислав Владимирович, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Pavlenko E, Kato T, Antonyuk K, MASTER OT J172758.09+380021.5: a peculiar ER UMa-type dwarf nova, probably a missed nova in the recent past//Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso. - 2021. - Vol.51, Is.2. - P.138-162.
    Аннотация A CCD photometry of the dwarf nova MASTER OT J172758.09+380021.5 was carried out in 2019 during 134 nights. Observations covered three superoutbursts, ve normal outbursts and quiescence between them. The available ASASSN and ZTF data for 2014 { 2020 were also examined. Spectral observations were done in 2020 when the object was in quiescence. Spectra and photometry revealed that the star is an H-rich active ER UMa-type dwarf nova with a highly variable supercycle (time interval between two successive superoutbursts) of  50 { 100 d that implies a high and variable mass-transfer rate. MASTER OT J172758.09+380021.5 demonstrated peculiar behaviour: short-lasted superoutbursts (a week); a slow superoutburst decline and cases of rebrightenings; low frequency (from none to a few) of the normal outbursts during the supercycle. In 2019 a mean period of positive superhumps was found to be 0.05829 d during the superoutbursts. Late superhumps with a mean period of 0.057915 d which lasted about  20 d after the end of superoutburst and were replaced by an orbital period of 0.057026 d or its orbital-negative superhump beat period were detected. An absence of eclipse in the orbital light curve and its moderate amplitude are consistent with the orbital inclination of about 40 found from spectroscopy. The blue peaks of the V-Ic and B-Rc colour indices of superhumps during the superoutburst coincided with minima of the light curves, while B-Rc of the late superhumps coincided with a rising branch of the light curves. We found that a low mass ratio q = 0:08 could explain most of the peculiarities of MASTER OT J172758.09+380021.5. The mass-transfer rate should be accordingly higher than what is expected from gravitational radiation only, this assumes the object is in a post-nova state and underwent a nova eruption relatively recently { hundreds of years ago. This object would provide probably the rst observational evidence that a nova eruption can occur even in CVs near the period minimum. Key words: stars: MASTER OT J172758.09+380021.5
    Ключевые слова stars: MASTER OT J172758.09+380021.5 { dwarf novae { ac- tivity
    Название журнала Contributions of the Astronomical Observatory Skalnate Pleso
    URL https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85104743382&doi=10.31577%2fcaosp.2021.51.2.138&partnerID=40&md5=711ceafa6b275c063b457a705a40e783
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