Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в зарубежных журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2021
  • Нурутдинова Аида Рустамовна, автор
  • Фазлыева Зульфия Ханифовна, автор
  • Шакирова Диляра Шамилевна, автор
  • Ibrahim Fazeela , автор
  • Vassallo Baez Irian , автор
  • Дмитриева Елена Викторовна, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала AIDA R. NURUTDINOVA, ELENA V. DMITRIEVA, DILYARA SH. SHAKIROVA, ZULFIIA H. FAZLYEVA, IRIAN VASSALLO BAEZ, FAZEELA IBRAHIM. EMERGENCY REMOTE EDUCATION CASE STUDY: STUDENTS, EDUCATORS AND UNIVERSITIES // ICL2021 - 24th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning 22-24 September 2021, TU Dresden and HTW Dresden, Germany, Page 292-303
    Аннотация There is no doubt that 2019/2020 has been a time of rethinking ap- proaches in the education system where the main driver became the Covid-19 pan- demic. The study looked at several major areas of HEIs: human resource capacity, student development, renewal of educational programs, infrastructure strengthen- ing, a new HEI management model, etc. The study used was carried out both before and during the pandemic, allowing the dynamics and trends to be tracked. To de- scribe the solutions, the authors formed a special framework, which included a fix- ation on two vectors. The first vector: at what level the decisions should be taken - regulator level. The second vector: the decision-making perspective - operational (short-term) and strategic (long-term). This form of research allows using its text not only as analytical material, but also as a practical framework for development strategy formulation at different levels: federal, regional, and organizational. The study presents a narrow group of selected universities, each of the university - par- ticipants of the study was able to involve their own experience and developments gained during several months of remote work in the pandemic. This presented re- search attempts to systematize the key deficits of the higher education system and identify ways to overcome them. The material is based on several dozen large-scale studies, including surveys, focus groups and students' interviews, teachers, admin- istrators, and a wide overview of open source, public analytical, and reporting ma- terials of universities.
    Ключевые слова Remote education, Educational activities, Digital education tech- nologies, Education transformation,
    Название журнала ICL2021
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