Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в российских журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2021
  • Нуртдинова Гульнара Мохтаровна, автор
  • Тахтарова Светлана Салаватовна, автор
  • Хабибуллина Эльмира Камилевна, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Хабибуллина Э.К., Нуртдинова Г.М., Тахтарова С.С., . Татарское литературное наследие в аспекте перевода / Хабибуллина Э.К., Нуртдинова Г.М., Тахтарова С.С./ ПОЛИЛИНГВИАЛЬНОСТЬ И ТРАНСКУЛЬТУРНЫЕ ПРАКТИКИ - 2021 -Том 18 № 4. - 442-451 Nurtdnova G.M., Tahtarova S.S., Khabibullina E.K. Heritage of Tatar Literature from the Aspect of Translation
    Аннотация The article presents the review of Tatar literature works and their translations into Russian and some other world languages. The Tatar literature has rich heritage, the first works of it (manuscripts) are dated back to the Middle Ages. The first printed works were published in the XVIII century as that time the Tatar language was the diplomatic language used in the communication between western and eastern countries. The time of XIX—XX centuries is considered to be the rise of the Tatar literature. Since that time the Tatar writers started writing their works in Russian that was caused by “natural bilingualism” established on the land of Tatarstan due to historical development. In the Soviet times the works of Tatar writers and poets written in Tatar were translated into Russian which is the intermediate language in the Russian Federation. After the collapse of the USSR Russia opened its boundaries and the number of translations of the Tatar writers' works into Western and Eastern languages have been growing dramatically. Modern Tatar literature is continuing the traditions of the Tatar literature, the works of Tatar writers have been translating into foreign languages in order to present them to world community.
    Ключевые слова national literature, the Tatar literature, bilingualism, intermediate language, translation
    Название журнала Филологические науки
    URL https://filolnauki.ru/
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