Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в зарубежных журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2022
  • Ахмадиев Габдулахат Маликович, автор
  • Маврин Геннадий Витальевич, автор
  • Мифтахов Мунир Нафисович, автор
  • Харлямов Дамир Афгатович, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала G. V. Mavrin, D. A. Kharlyamov, G. M. Akhmadiev and M. N. Miftahov/STUDY OF HEAVY METAL EMISSION FROM GRINDING SLUDGE//ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. - 2022. - Vol.17. - No.7. - P.1-12
    Аннотация The paper presents the results of a study of the environmental impact of industrial waste - grinding sludge. Atomic emission spectroscopy was used to determine the content of 25 elements in aqueous and acetate-ammonium waste extracts. It was found that, in terms of mass content, the priority elements in the water extract are Ca, B, Mg, Fe, Si, Sr, the priority elements in the acetate-ammonium extract are Fe, Ca, Mn, Cr, Si, Ni, B. To assess the environmental hazard of the analyzed elements for environmental objects, the calculations of the multiplicity of exceeding the standard indicators, as well as the indices of environmental impact were carried out. According to the results of calculations, it was determined that the water extract of grinding sludge is characterized by the level of toxic water pollution as «highly toxic (dirty)«, acetate-ammonium - «extremely toxic (extremely dirty)«. In the case of aqueous extracts of grinding sludge, the main contribution to the pollution of drinking water is made by soluble compounds B, Ca and Fe, to the pollution of natural water - Fe, B, Mn and Zn, in acetate-ammonium extracts - heavy metals - Fe, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb and Cd. The most significant increase in the acetate-ammonium buffer is the increase in the environmental impact indices for six priority elements on the water of water bodies for domestic drinking and cultural and domestic water use (by 2734 times) and on water of water bodies of fishery significance (by 9648 times). Accordingly, the contact of grinding sludge with natural water, which exhibits buffering and complex-forming properties with respect to heavy metals, leads to its significantly greater contamination with the studied heavy metals in comparison with tap, distilled or non-contaminated natural water. The placement of grinding sludge in soil (soil) with filtration soil water, in wet soil, in soil with rain and melt water will lead to significant emission of mobile forms of heavy metals and pollution of the soil landscape and adjacent environments, which in turn requires the introduction of additional measures aimed to reduce the toxicity of the above waste.
    Ключевые слова production waste, grinding sludge, heavy metals, atomic emission spectroscopy, emission of heavy metals, disposal of production waste
    Название журнала ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
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