Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в зарубежных журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2022
  • Ахметзянов Ильдар Габдрашитович, автор
  • Гараева Альмира Кадыровна, автор
  • Муллагалиев Наркиз Камилевич, автор
  • Фазлеева Лейла Ринатовна, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Mullagaliev N.K., Akhmetzyanov I.G., Garaeva A.K., Fazleeva L.R. Digital presence of Tatarstan Republic as means of Web-branding / N.K. Mullagaliev, I.G. Akhmetzyanov, A.K. Garaeva, L.R. Fazleeva // Res Militaris.Social Science Journal. - 2022. vol.12, n?3-November issue P. 176-184. (Scopus)
    Аннотация Abstract The article describes the analysis of existing web-branding approaches and tools used by the government and officials of Tatarstan Republic in the context of forming a modern regional brand of the republic. The research reveals the lack of a promoting culture itself and using new technologies for advancing national and traditional values on a world arena. The authors believe that the situation can be caused by the mentality of the people inhabiting the area: nations living in Tatarstan are very proud of their original heritage, they respect their customs and traditions, tend to follow the tendencies developed, but they are prone to keep their pride hidden, not having any need to share it with the other people. The research relies on the analysis of internet presence of the republic, the activity of its government members on the basis of their digital activity, the number of publications, the frequency of public responses. Thus, there happen to occur a paradoxical situation: one of the highly developed republics of the Russian Federation is not promoted enough in a digital sphere and remains hidden worldwide or even not familiar to the most of Russian regions.
    Ключевые слова Keywords: international relations, Web Branding, Social Networking sites, promoting, logo, brand, linguistics.
    Название журнала Res Militaris
    URL https://resmilitaris.net/issue-view/?id=4
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