Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияРоссийские монографии
Год публикации2022
  • Макаев Ханиф Фахретдинович, автор
  • Макаева Гузаль Зайнагиевна, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Макаев Х.Ф., Макаева Г.З. Removing the language barrier by modern linguodidactic methods as a great contribution to teaching process // Единство науки и образования как инструмент перехода к постиндустриальному миру: монография. Выпуск 70. – Уфа: Аэтерна, 2022. – с. 167-178
    Аннотация The teaching methods existing today not always enable linguistic as well as non-linguistic university graduates, even those who have good language knowledge, to speak foreign languages in a proper way; they often experience speech difficulties. Distortion and misuse of speech linguistic units is peculiar especially to the situations of spontaneous foreign language speech. The study of scientific and methodological literature, conversations with students, as well as young professionals confirm that they experience difficulties, for example, in oral interviews, when performing tests designed to diagnose the level of proficiency in both general English and the language for special purposes. The difficulties associated with the production of spontaneous foreign language speech are explained in different ways. The first reason, perhaps the most important, may be a strong fear to make a foreign language speech.Someone cannot remember the right words even to greet and start a conversation, while others “scatter” thoughts, which confuses them, sometimes language learners experience difficulties in choosing proper professional terms while doing situational language tasks, etc.All these facts confirm the presence of the so-called language barrier that prevents effective foreign language communication between representatives of multilingual specialists. Considering all the above said, the purpose of the article was in trying to introduce into the teaching process such linguodidactic methods which could contribute to removing language barrier as a psychological factor of foreign language speaking graduates. The issue, the research is devoted to, has been studied by many well-known domestic scientists- linguists as L.S. Vygotsky, I.A. Zimnyaya, A.N. Leontiev, N.D. Galskova, E.I. Passov and others. The works of such foreign scientists as B. White, J. Bruner, W. Penfield, R. Roberts, T. Eliot, R. Clement, P. Macintyre, K. Noels and others made a great contribution to the solution of this problem from the point of view of psychological aspects. The research under consideration was based on the combination of the communicative method and the context approach by providing the language learners with comprehensive and universal support, in particular psychological one, in speech production. All teaching methods and techniques were supported by the unexpectedness approach which implies speaking to language learners, asking them and encouraging them to react in different new unexpected speech situations. The support was provided by realizing of all four kinds of speech activities that is reading, writing, speaking and listening in the teaching process.
    Ключевые слова The pedagogical science, psychological aspect, student, teach, the communicative method, the context approach, future specialist
    URL https://aeterna-ufa.ru/events/km-70
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