Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в зарубежных журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2023
  • Галимова Эльвира Габдельбаровна, автор
  • Khalmetov Timur A., автор
  • Mulikova Saltanat A., автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Galimova E.G, Mulikova S.A, Khalmetov T.A., Self-education Competence of Future Teachers: Diagnosing by Computer Analyses of Student Essays//ACM International Conference Proceeding Series. - 2023. - Vol., Is.. - P.92-96.
    Аннотация Our research is aimed at finding adequate ways to diagnose selfeducation competence of future teachers. Writing a prognostic essay, revealing students' positions, was chosen as the final diagnosis in their training. This research consists of the development and testing of diagnostic tools and the diagnosis of self-education competence of future teachers by means of a computer analysis of student essays. The fundamental basis of this study is predictive and didactic in nature. The leading research methods were the following: a theoretical analysis of the essence, structure and main features of future teacher's self-education competence, technical and technological methods of designing computer analytical tools for the content analysis of essays (with the elements of formalization and intellectual analysis of text documents), methods of expert systems (used to solve the problem of choosing and systematizing marker words), experimental pedagogical methods (including a pilot experiment and formative assessment). The research involved students of the Institute of Psychology and Education of Kazan Federal University: 263 students - at the stage of the pilot study, 134 students – at the stage of the formative assessment (the participants are enrolled on the program 44.04.01 – Teacher Education (Master's). At the stage of the formative assessment, using the final essay content analysis, tables with the results of diagnosis of motivationalvalue, reflective-evaluative, and cognitive-activity components of self-education competence were created. A reflective comparison of the results of student essays computer analysis and own assessment of self-education competence provided data for the further improvement of diagnostic tools. Statistical data processing provides results of the self-education competence both of an individual student and groups, cohorts, and all students of a specific training program. The development of self-education competence allows a person to obtain the required authority in the field of education, to preserve and increase his/her competence in solving professional problems. The materials of the experiment made it possible to systematize the key words prevailing in student essays and combine them into the basic blocks of markers. Presence and occurrence frequency of these markers in a certain part of the analyzed text indicates a certain development level of self-education competence. The materials presented in the article describe the proposed tools for content analysis, which is built on the basis of specially grouped marker words, can be used in pedagogical practices. A free-form essay is digitized which allows us to quantitatively assess the given components of subject's self-education competence.
    Ключевые слова self-education competence, components of self-education competence, content analysis, marker words
    Название журнала ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
    URL https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85163620052&doi=10.1145%2f3591139.3591144&partnerID=40&md5=46033a8a7c6aaa9bd3162df9971033dc
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