Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияСтатьи в российских журналах и сборниках
Год публикации2024
  • Ильина Марина Сергеевна, автор
  • L.N. Bulanova Лейсан Наилевна, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Ilina M.S. The use of information technology to optimize the translation process / M.S. Ilina, L.N. Bulanova // Global Scientific Potential. – Saint Petersburg, 2024. – N 1(154)- С.183-185
    Аннотация Translation is one of the most significant types of oral activity, with skills contributing much to the success of the specialists in various fields. At present different aspects of a translation process are under continuous scrutiny, since it proves to be a crucial means to overcome existing communication barriers. There is no doubt about the increasing role of translation process activities in the modern multicultural society in the implementation of interstate communication and information exchange in different languages. The translation of scientific, technical, and business documentation from one language to another is an integral part of scientific and technological progress. This is evidenced by constant expansion of the translation process, the training of translators in different countries, as well as the introduction of machine translation. The present paper is aimed at studying the possibilities to optimize the translation process by means of information technology. To achieve the goal the researcher sunder take to:1. develop a unique model of translation work using information technology, describing the sequence of actions necessary for qualified execution and subsequent maintenance of the order for written and oral translation; 2. consider the use of information technology in translation activities; 3. analyze the benefits of using information technology in translation activities and clear up the possibility of replacing a conventional translation with a computer-aided one. Research hypothesis: the process of using information technologies in the translation process in modern conditions of digitalization will be the most effective if we identify the stages, options and organizational and methodological conditions for optimizing the translation process.
    Ключевые слова society, computerization, information and communication technologies, information environment, society development, information culture, oral activity.
    Название журнала Глобальный научный потенциал
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