Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, КФУ
Форма представленияЗарубежные монографии
Год публикации2023
  • Кугуракова Влада Владимировна, автор
  • Библиографическое описание на языке оригинала Riabov O., Sibgatullina-Denis I., editors. Scientific research in formal and informal education: Collective monograph. Published by the “IfII Institut für Intellektuelle Integration”, Vienna, 2023. 189 p. – Sadretdinova E., Vasina V., Kugurakova V. Facilitation of social interaction and adaptation resources of preschoolers with ASD. p. 98-114.
    Аннотация The purpose of the research is to study the facilitation (improvement) of social interaction and the dynamics of adaptive resources of preschoolers with ASD, depending on gender and age. The analysis of scientific literature has shown that timely diagnostic examination and correctional assistance to children with autism spectrum disorder can reduce or completely eliminate communication disorders, thereby ensuring further successful interaction with peers and adults. The survey was attended by 20 children with ASD 4-7 years old from the KFU kindergarten for preschoolers with ASD “We are together”. In Kazan (Republic of Tatarstan, Russia), there were more boys in the sample - 18 (90%), only 2 girls (10%). The monitoring showed a regression (decrease) in the deficit of mental development according to the parameters: “social”, “neuro-dynamic and regulatory”, “cognitive”, “motor” development. It was found out that 15 people (75%) received a low result in all parameters, 4 preschoolers with ASD (20%) had an average level of development of adaptive resources, and 1 girl (5%) had high indicators. It turned out that the adaptive resources of children with ASD do not depend on age, but on the complexity of the defect. During the 8 months of correctional work, the average indicators by levels have not changed much, although there are some successes in individual children.
    Ключевые слова facilitation of social interaction, adaptive resources, autism spectrum disorders, preschoolers
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