Repository\Publications - Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

KFU's catalog of scientific and educational resources:
40037 open access pages of employees, 109690 items

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Form of presentation Name Year of publication Authors
Articles in Russian journals and collections Маслова И.В. Революция и предпринимательство: судьбы Стахеевых по-сле 1917 г. (на материалах личного происхождения). Частные миры Великой русской революции: С. Научных трудов Международной научной конферен-ции (28-29 сентября 2017 г.). Казань: Институт истории им. Ш. Марджани, 2017. С.31-38.
2017 Maslova Inga Vladimirovna
Articles in international journals and collections Azgar Mukhamadiev, Albert Nigamaev, Fayaz Khuzin, Tatyana Nikitina, Konstantin Rudenko. Interethnic Contacts in the East Kama Region in the 10th–Beginning of the 13th Centuries//Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. - Vol 6, № 6 S5. - Rome, 2015.- P. 291-296.
2015 Nigamaev Albert Zufarovich
Articles in Russian journals and collections Berikbol, R., Sabirova, L., & Makarova, O. (2022). Modern techniques in organizing the individual work of students-future teachers. World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues. 14(4), 1163-1178.
2022 Makarova Oksana Aleksandrovna
Sabirova Lilya Andreevna
Articles in international journals and collections Bozhkova G.N., Frolova G.A., Shabalinа N.N. The Educational Crisis as Reflected in Russian Literature in the 20th Century // Life Science Journal 2014;11(7s). р: 192-197
2014 Bozhkova Galina Nikolaevna
Frolova Galina Aleksandrovna
Shabalina Nadezhda Nikolaevna
Articles in Russian journals and collections Cмирнов С.В. Системный подход к анализу структуры биоинтеллектосферы / С.В. Смирнов // Научно-практический электронный журнал Аллея Науки. - 2018. - №4 (20). URL:
2018 Smirnov Sergey Vladimirovich
Articles in international journals and collections Danilova J.J., Razzhivin A.I., Salimova D.A. The Temporal-Spatial Continuum in the Texts of Marina Tsvetaeva and Zinaida Hippius //World Applied Sciences Journal 31 (2): 267-271, 2014
2014 Danilova Yuliya Yurevna
Razzhivin Anatoliy Ilich
Salimova Daniya Abuzarovna
Articles in international journals and collections Ekaterina Lvovna Koudrjavtseva1, Daniya Abuzarobna Salimova2 Ludmila Anatolievna Snigireva3. Russian as Native, Non-native, one of Natives and Foreign Languages: Questions of Terminology and Measurement of Levels of proficiency/Asian Social Science; Vol. 11, No. 14; 2015 ISSN 1911-2017 E-ISSN 1911-2025 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education/Online Published: May 22, 2015 doi:10.5539/ass.v11n14p124 URL: 124
2015 Salimova Daniya Abuzarovna
Articles in international journals and collections E.V. Gromov. Religion Classes at Russian Schools: Reasoning and Thoughts/ E.V. Gromov, Sergey V. Smirnov//International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume-8, Issue-6S3, September 2019
2019 Gromov Egor Valerevich
Smirnov Sergey Vladimirovich
Articles in international journals and collections F.I. Gabidullina, G.G. Sattarova / Reflects the traditions in contemporary prose // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences MCSER Publishing, Rome-Ital Vol 6 No 5 S2 September 2015.-P.201-203.
2015 Gabidullina Farida Imamutdinovna
Sattarova Gulnaz Glusovna
Articles in international journals and collections Gaisin R.M., Bykov A.V. Acmeism and Marina Tsvetaeva?s world of poetry (Акмеизм и поэтический мир Марины Цветаевой) // European Journal of Science and Theology (Румыния). 2016. Vol. 12. No. 2. P. 123-134.
2016 Bykov Anton Valerevich
Gaysin Rakhimzan Mukhametovich
Articles in international journals and collections Galina Bozhkova, Nadezhda Shabalina, Galina Frolova The forms and functions of masks in poetic heritage of M. I. Tsvetayeva // JOURNAL OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATUREISSN: 2078-0303 | Next issue: November 30, 2015 DOI: 10.7813/jll.2015 SCOPUS Ranking: 0,191 (SJR, 2013), p/133-135
2016 Bozhkova Galina Nikolaevna
Articles in international journals and collections Garifzianova A., Nasyrova L. Historical reconstruction as a new space of patriotism for youth // Asian Social Science; - 2015. - vol. 11. - No. 7. - Р. 183-189.
2015 Garifzyanova Albina Raisovna
Nasyrova Liliya Gabdelvalievna
Articles in Russian journals and collections Ibragimova E.R., Tarasova A.N. The concept «seasons« in the language picture of the world (a comparative study on the material of Russian and Tatar languages) // Applied and Fundamental Studies: Proceedings of the 4th International Academic Conference. – Publishing House Science and Innovation Centre, ltd. – 2013.
2013 Ibragimova Elmira Rashitovna
Tarasova Ayziryak Nailevna
Articles in international journals and collections Ideologies “ORDER – DISORDER” as an object of linguistic research / A.G. Ilin, A.Z. Ibatova, L.V. Vdovichenko, A.L. Mirzagitova // Revista Publicando. - 2017. - VOL 4, NO 13 (1). - P. 812-819.
2017 Ilin Aleksandr Gennadevich
Mirzagitova Alsu Linarovna
Articles in Russian journals and collections Inga V. Maslova, Irina E. Krapotkina. Nationhood and Political Identity in Peoples‟ Mentality from Provincial Towns of the Russian Empire, in XIX – early ХХ centuries// Bylye Gody. 2014. № 34 (4). P. 559-565.
2014 Krapotkina Irina Evgenevna
Articles in international journals and collections Ivygina Alyona, Pupysheva Evgeniya, Mukhametshina Dinara. The Role of Local History Texts in Implementing the Culturological Approach to Teaching the Russian Language: the Basic General Education Level / Alyona Ivygina, Evgeniya Pupysheva, Dinara Mukhametshina // Journal of Social Studies Education Research. – 2018:9 (2). – P. 160-171. Scopus
2018 Ivygina Alena Aleksandrovna
Mukhametshina Dinara Rinatovna
Pupysheva Evgeniya Leonidovna
Articles in international journals and collections Kamaeva R.B. National cultural specifies of representing in the Siction work translationю Life Sci J 2014; 11(10): 653-656 (ISSN:1097-8135)
2014 Kamaeva Rima Bizyanovna
Articles in Russian journals and collections «Одноразовая» жизнь как экзистенциальная проблема / Вестник торгово-технологического института. Научный альманах. – 2011. – №1. – 229-233
2011 Smirnov Sergey Vladimirovich
Articles in Russian journals and collections “Женская проза” в современной татарской литературе / Актуальные вопросы развития науки: Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции , 14 февраля 2014г.: Ч.4. – Уфа:РИЦ БашГУ,2014.
2014 Gabidullina Farida Imamutdinovna
Articles in international journals and collections Maslova I., Burdina G., Krapotkina I. The Use of Electronic Educational Resources and Innovative Educational Technologies in University Education // International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. - 2020. - Vol. 15, No. 16. - Рр. 68 – 75.
2020 Krapotkina Irina Evgenevna
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