Repository\Publications - Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

KFU's catalog of scientific and educational resources:
40037 open access pages of employees, 109690 items

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Name Year of publication Authors
2021 Nurgaliev Almir Azatovich
2022 Khayrullina Liana Ildarovna
2023 Gimadova Zilya Nailevna
2023 Gimadova Zilya Nailevna
ADJECTIVAL COLLOCATIONS WITH THE COMPONENT OF THE THEMATIC GROUP “ELEMENTS OF NATURE” IN RUSSIAN, ENGLISH, GERMAN AND SPANISH / A. Kayumova, R. Safina // Structural fixedness and conceptual idiomaticity: Elena Arsentieva in memoriam. – Granada: Editorial Comares Spain, 2023. – pp. 173-188.
2023 Kayumova Albina Ramilevna
Safina Rimma Abelkhaerovna
Agrati L., Karkina S. Mediatization of Musical and Theatrical Practice on the Moodle Platform: Investigation of Online Resources // Analyzing Multidisciplinary Uses and Impact of Innovative Technologies; ed. by Emiliano Marchisio (Giustino Fortunato University, Italy). - IGI Global, 2022. - 320 p.
2022 Karkina Svetlana Vladimirovna
Aida R. Nurutdinova, Dilyara Sh. Shakirova, Elvira K. Sabaeva and Nadezhda O. Samarkina. The Content Modification within the Framework of the Massive Open Online Courses (Case Study: International and Russian Practices) from Massive Open Online Courses - Current Practice and Future Trends,IntechOpen, Rijeka, 2023. Doi:10.5772/intechopen.1001342, ISBN 978-1-83769-523-2.
2023 Nurutdinova Aida Rustamovna
Samarkina Nadezhda Olegovna
Shakirova Dilyara Shamilevna
April 8- April 9,2013 in kazan, RT.
2016 Valiullina Farida Mansurovna
Varlamov Sergey Aleksandrovich
Artem Appalonov, Yulia Maslennikova and Artem Khasanov. Advanced Data Recognition Technique for Real-Time Sand Monitoring Systems. Conference paper. Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 12602).
2021 Maslennikova Yuliya Sergeevna
Appalonov Artem Mikhaylovich
Bikmullina E.R, Zamaletdinov R.R., Linguocultural analysis of the most common greetings in the Russian, Tatar and Chinese languages//International Journal of Criminology and Sociology. - 2020. - Vol.9, Is.. - P.844-849.
2021 Zamaletdinov Radif Rifkatovich
CLIL и ИКТ в образовании: опыт, возможности, перспективы / Л.Л. Салехова, К.С. Григорьева, Н.И. Батрова, М.А. Лукоянова - Казань: Изд-во Казан. ун-та, 2019. - 120 с. ISBN 978-5-00130-152-3
2019 Batrova Nailya Ildusovna
Grigoreva Kseniya Sergeevna
Lukoyanova Marina Aleksandrovna
Salekhova Lyaylya Leonardovna
Comparative Analysis of thematic field Landscape in Russian and English Languages
2013 Solnyshkina Marina Ivanovna
Kharkova Elena Vladimirovna
Dyganova E.A., Yavgildina Z.M. Formation of culture of self-education of future teacher-musician: monograph / E.A. Dyganova, Z.M. Yavgildin. – Kazan: IFMK KFU, 2014. - 166 pages.
2014 Dyganova Elena Aleksandrovna
Yavgildina Ziliya Mukhtarovna
Elena Arsenteva and Rimma Safina. Kazan School of Phraseology /Arsenteva Eleba, Safina Rimma // Phraseology in Multilingual Society. Edited by Elena Arsenteva. - Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. - P.2-15.
2014 Arsenteva Elena Fridrikhovna
Safina Rimma Abelkhaerovna
Elena Arsenteva. Occasional Transformations of Phraseological Units Designating Age in English and Ways of their Translation into Russian /Elena Arsenteva, Yetzaneth Del Valle Diaz, Iskander Yarmakeev //The Discoursal Use of Phraseological Units. Edited by Elena Arsenteva. - Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021. - P. 304-321.
2021 Arsenteva Elena Fridrikhovna
Yarmakeev Iskander Engelevich
English Phraseological Units with the Components FIRE and WATER and their Counterparts in Russian, Spanish and Tatar / N. Konopleva, A. Kayumova // Phraseology in Multilingual Society. – Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. – pp. 122-140.
2014 Kayumova Albina Ramilevna
Konopleva Natalya Vyacheslavovna
Ercan Alkaya, Zoya Kirillova. Kreşin Tatar Türkçesi (Dil, Tarih, Kültür). – İstanbul: Kesit Yay., 2018. – 670 s.
2018 Kirillova Zoya Nikolaevna
Ethnomusical traditions of the peoples of the Volga region in today's multicultural education: research essays. Kazan, Publ: Kasane. University Press, 2014. - 196 p. Ethnomusical traditions of the peoples of the Volga region in the modern polycultural formation: research essays. Kazan, Publ: Kazan University Press, 2014. - 196 p. Details:
2014 Akhmetova Lidiya Alekseevna
Batyrshina Gulnara Ibragimovna
Valiakhmetova Alfiya Nikolaevna
Nurgayanova Nelya Khabibullovna
Salpykova Indira Maratovna
Fanuza Nurieva The Language of Written Records from the Golden Horde Period // THE GOLDEN HORDE IN WORLD HISTORY - Kazan: UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, SH. MARJANI INSTITUTE OF HISTORY, OF THE TATARSTAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 2017 - Pg. 503 - 515 P. ( 968 p. + 28 p. with colour insert)
2017 Nurieva Fanuza Shakurovna
Fanuza Nuriyeva Literary Language of the Golden Horde / H E H I S T O R Y OF THE TATARS SINCE ANTHE TATARS SINCECIENT TIMES. VOLUME 3. The Ulus of Jochi (Golden Horde). 13th Century–Mid–15th Century - Kazan, ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF TATARSTAN, SH. MARJANI INSTITUTE OF HISTORY, 2017 - Pg. 696 - 704/
2017 Nurieva Fanuza Shakurovna
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