Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in Russian journals and collections
Year of publication2015
  • Babynin Eduard Viktorovich, author
  • Sharonova NATALYa LEONIDOVNA, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Sharonova N.L. Nanostrukturnaya vodno-fosforitnaya suspenziya - novoe perspektivnoe udobrenie/ N.L. Sharonova, A.Kh. Yapparov, N.Sh. Khisamutdinov, A.M. Ezhkova, I.A. Yapparov, V.O. Ezhkov, I.A. Degtyareva, E.V. Babynin // Rossiyskie nanotekhnologii. -2015.- T. 10. - № 7-8. – S. 115-122.
    Annotation A rival import-substituting biosafe nanofertilizer, a nanostructured water-phosphorite suspension with a particle size of 60.0?120.0 nm, has been obtained for the first time from the natural raw phosphorite of Tatarstan?s Syundyukovskoe deposits by ultrasonic material dispersion. The nanofertilizer is shown to have no acute phytotoxicity against nine test plants at the rates of 0.25?10.0 kg per ton of seeds and no toxic or mutagenic properties against the microbiological test system at concentrations of 0.2?200.0 μg/mL. In greenhouse, field, and farm-scale trials of agricultural crops under open and protected ground conditions, different methods and rates of nanofertilizer application are studied to show the high efficiency of the nanostructrured water-phosphorite suspension upon soil fertilization at a rate of 1.0 t/ha and presowing treatment of seeds at a rate of 1.25 kg/t of seeds.
    Keywords фосфорит, удобрение, мутагенная активность
    The name of the journal Российские нанотехнологии
    URL http://shelly.kpfu.ru/e-ksu/docs/F1452247586/art%3A10.1134%2FS1995078015040187.pdf
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