Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2016
  • Masalimova Alfiya Rafisovna, author
  • Sadovaya Viktoriya Vladimirovna, author
  • Flores Ruben , author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Masalimova A.R. , Sadovaya V.V. , Flores R. Guidelines for Mentoring Optimization // International Journal of Environmental and Science Education. - 2016. - V. 11 (7). - P. 1597-1602.
    Annotation It's a common knowledge that the society and time we live in are characterized by continuous technological change and most of employee skills may become outdated fairly rapidly. Therefore, an enterprise that aspires to be successful and respond quickly to changes in the market environment should pay great attention to training programs of the employees. In this regard, it is important to develop guidelines and recommendations to improve the quality of mentoring as the system involving Mentoring Council, enterprise executives, mentors and training centers for mentors. The paper is intended to provide theoretical and practical contribution to training students of technical universities, as well as young personnel starting their career and experienced executives.
    Keywords mentoring, guidelines, optimization, modern enterprises
    The name of the journal International Journal of Environmental and Science Education
    On-line resource for training course http://dspace.kpfu.ru/xmlui/bitstream/handle/net/34830/SCOPUS_Masalimova_Sadovaya__Flores.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
    URL http://www.ijese.net/makale/269/guidelines-for-mentoring-optimization
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