Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2016
  • Rybakova Lyaysan Anatolevna, author
  • Mynbaeva Aygerim Kazyevna, author
  • Tatarinova Mayya Nikolaevna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Tatarinova, M. N. Formation of Students' Emotional-valuable Relations in Foreign Language Education / M. N. Tatarinova, L. A. Ribakova, A. K. Mynbayeva // Mathematics Education. - 2016. - Vol. 11. - R. 231-241.
    Annotation The relevance of the research problem is due to the fact that in foreign language education one-sidedness is viewed, because there is no fixed experience of emotional-valuable relations. As a consequence, their implementation in foreign language education occurs randomly and intuitively. The purpose of the article is to carry out the selection of elements contributing to the formation of students' emotional-valuable relations. The leading approach to the investigation is modelling. The article presents a selection of elements in the content of foreign language education, contributing to the formation of students᾿ emotional-valuable the experience. It is revealed that their joint modelling and functioning allows to achieve the goal of forming a free, developed, educated person that holds the key competencies, man of culture, its creator. The model of formation of students' emotional-valuable relations in foreign language education is introduced. The article can be useful for training fo
    Keywords emotional-valuable relations, dialogue technologies, emotional-valuable attitude towards foreign language culture, teacher and fellow-students as speech partners, native speakers, experience focused on the student?s value system (motivation),model of formation of students? emotional-valuable relations in foreign language education
    The name of the journal Mathematics Education
    URL http://www.iejme.com/makale/167/formation-of-students-emotional-valuable-relations-in-foreign-language-education
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