Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2017
  • Zhdanov Renad Ibragimovich, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Saifullin R.G., Khayrullin B.A., Garifullina L.S., Zhdanov R.I., Saifullina A.R. Ethnopolitogenesis of Byzantine Superethnos // International J. Scientific Study (Scopus). - 2017. - vol. 5, № 6. - p. 39-43
    Annotation The work is aimed to study the primary provisions of the biosocial approach to policy dynamics with regards to conflict. The paper's goal is to confirm the dependence of the policy dynamics from the ethnicity population dynamics. An analysis of the Lev Gumilev's concept that studied this relationship curried out. A numerical algorithm of ethnopolitogenesis formulated, based on the Gumilev's concept. This proposed to be universal and invariant with respect to ethnic groups, types of policies, historic eras regularity. To verify the numerical algorithm, the ethnopolitogenesis of major ethnic groups (Greeks and Armenians) of Byzantine superethnos was analysed. The analysis indicates that these ethnic groups developed as a whole in accordance with the numerical algorithm formulated.
    Keywords Ethnopolitogenesis, Byzantia, Numerical algorithm
    The name of the journal International J. Scientific Study
    URL http://www.ijss-sn.com/current-issue---other-specialty.html
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