Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2017
  • Bochina Tatyana Gennadevna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Saiwuleshi XXX, Bochina T.G., Abakumova O. B. Russian proverbs about spouses and marital relationships// Ad Alta: Journal of interdisciplinary research.- Vol .VII.- Issue 2. Special issue II.- Rr. 22-24.
    Annotation The aim of this paper is in singling out stereotypical ideas of marriage and spouses' relationships as they are fixed in Russian paremic fund. Alongside with this the following tasks are being solved: making up rating of current usage of terms of relations in Russian proverbs; singling out basic logical and semantic groups (logemes), which represent stereotypical attitudes to marriage and family relationships. The language data was Russian proverbs and sayings about spouses and relatives. Subject of the research is folklore stereotypes of marriage relationships. In solving these tasks the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis, empirical watching, comparison, quantitative processing of data; component and contextual analysis, interpretation of figurative sense of proverbs, linguistic description. As a result of the study of 1948popular proverbs and sayings about family and family relationships.
    Keywords code of culture, family code, paremia, value, logeme, stereotypes
    The name of the journal AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research
    URL http://apps.webofknowledge.com//Search.do?product=WOS&SID=E2RjyRBjI3V7jtBNiUh&search_mode=AuthorFinder&prID=eec45c55-90d6-43a6-bdab-5fbd65001aab
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