Form of presentation | Articles in international journals and collections |
Year of publication | 2018 |
Язык | русский |
Ismailova Nailya Irkinovna, author
Bibliographic description in the original language |
Ismailova N.I. Ekstraversiya-introversiya pravopolusharnykh i levopolusharnykh
mladshikh shkolnikov/ N.I. Ismailova, I. Plaksina // Actual aspects of pedagogy and psychology of elementary education: materials of the III international scientific conference on April 18–19, 2018– Prague : Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «So-ciosféra-CZ», 2018. – P.11-18. |
Annotation |
Actual aspects of pedagogy and psychology of elementary education: materials of the III international scientific conference on April 18?19, 2018? Prague : Vědecko vydavatelské centrum ?So-ciosféra-CZ?, 2018. |
Keywords |
экстраверсия, интроверсия, младший школьник |
The name of the journal |
Actual aspects of pedagogy and psychology of elementary education: materials of the III international scientific conference on April 18?19, 2018? Prague : Vědecko vydavatelské centrum ?So-ciosféra-CZ?, 2018.
URL | |
Please use this ID to quote from or refer to the card | |
Full metadata record  |
Field DC |
Value |
Language | |
Ismailova Nailya Irkinovna |
ru_RU | |
2018-01-01T00:00:00Z |
ru_RU | |
2018-01-01T00:00:00Z |
ru_RU | |
2018 |
ru_RU |
dc.identifier.citation |
Исмаилова Н.И. Экстраверсия-интроверсия правополушарных и левополушарных
младших школьников/ Н.И. Исмаилова, И. Плаксина // Actual aspects of pedagogy and psychology of elementary education: materials of the III international scientific conference on April 18–19, 2018– Prague : Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «So-ciosféra-CZ», 2018. – P.11-18. |
ru_RU |
dc.identifier.uri | |
ru_RU |
dc.description.abstract |
Actual aspects of pedagogy and psychology of elementary education: materials of the III international scientific conference on April 18?19, 2018? Prague : Vědecko vydavatelské centrum ?So-ciosféra-CZ?, 2018. |
ru_RU |
dc.language.iso |
ru |
ru_RU |
dc.subject |
экстраверсия |
ru_RU |
dc.subject |
интроверсия |
ru_RU |
dc.subject |
младший школьник |
ru_RU |
dc.title |
Исмаилова Н.И. Экстраверсия-интроверсия правополушарных и левополушарных
младших школьников/ Н.И. Исмаилова, И. Плаксина // Actual aspects of pedagogy and psychology of elementary education: materials of the III international scientific conference on April 18–19, 2018– Prague : Vědecko vydavatelské centrum «So-ciosféra-CZ», 2018. – P.11-18. |
ru_RU |
dc.type |
Articles in international journals and collections |
ru_RU |