Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationInternational monographs
Year of publication2018
  • Galimullina Elvira Zufarovna, author
  • Lyubimova Elena Mikhaylovna, author
  • Merzon Elena Efimovna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Elena Merzon, Elvira Galimullina, Elena Ljubimova, The model of smart trajectory of teacher training. Sases on Smart Learning Environments (pp. 164-187). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Darshan Singh, A., Raghunathan, S., Robeck, E., & Sharma, B. (2019). doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-6136-1
    Annotation The article deals with the model of the trajectory of training teachers and a new approach to constructing a smart learning environment. The authors present a scheme of the smart trajectory, which outlines new approaches towards teaching students. The role of using interactive activity-based smart components is shown. The artcile depicts the results of the approbation of the model. The approbation revealed that the use of the smart trajectory allows to develop analytical competences, the skills of problem solving, creativity, the capacity to communicate with teams, groups and individuals. The result of building up the smart trajectory consists in the creation of multi-format and personified educational space in an interactive environment enabling a person to study at any time and anywhere getting free access to content around the world. Издательство IGI Global IGI Global (Херши, Пенсильвания) является ведущим международным академическим издателем, содействующим новаторским исследования
    Keywords Smart learning path, supervising teacher, student, architecture of smart courses, road map, e-portfolio, cooperative learning, interactive technologies, face-to-face, educational smart event, reflection, learning forums, mutual education, network cooperation.
    URL https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/a-smart-trajectory-model-for-teacher-training/219025
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