Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2019
  • Fayzrakhmanova Lyalya Tagirovna, author
  • Gluzman Aleksandr Vladimirovich, author
  • Sultanova Ramilya Rinatovna, postgraduate kfu
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Sultanova Ramilya R., Faizrakhmanova Lyalya T., Gluzman Aleksandr V, Socio-Pedagogical Conditions and The Content of Elementary Music Education In Kazan Province (Xix - Early Xx Centuries)//Modern journal of language teaching methods - MULTM.- Volume: 8 - Issue :11. - November. - 2018. - P. 196-200 (0.5.p.l.)
    Annotation The article presents the results of the study of the process of development of the elementary music education in the Kazan province (XIX - early XX century), which was a territory and state subject of Russia, currently referred to as the Republic of Tatarstan (since 1991). The research is carried out in the context of the sustainable interest of society to the historical and cultural heritage of the region, as well as the modernization of education aimed at identifying the creative potential of the individual from childhood, including the learning process in children's music schools. Activities of cultural institutions are indicated in legislative acts, on the basis of principles of continuity, conformity to culture, based on regional features and traditions that require their study and updating in teaching practice. The study was carried out on the basis of historical (A.F. Losev) and cultural (S.I. Hessen) approaches, the following methods were used: the study and systematization of archival and other sources; analysis, explanation, generalization of materials; historical and logical methods, method of historical reconstruction. In the course of research in the field of the elementary musical education development socio-pedagogical conditions (need of society in musical education; formation of pedagogical and student contingent, cultural city environment; existence of private initiative and financial equipment of education) and the content of primary musical education (the purposes, tasks, forms, methods of work) are revealed; the article considers the gradual process of development of the elementary music education in the region (XIX - beginning of XX century) - from the first private music lessons to the emergence of professional musical and educational structures under the auspices of the Russian music society (RMS); the historical reconstruction of this process was carried out; the importance of the elementary music education in the development of musical culture in the region is shown.
    Keywords music school; elementary musical education; music kindergarten; regional music culture; Kazan province
    The name of the journal Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods
    URL http://mjltm.org/article-1-331-en.html
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