Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2019
  • Emanova Yuliana Gennadevna, author
  • Emanova Yuliana Gennadevna, author
  • Rauzeev Iskander Zinnurovich, author
  • Yao Mikhail Konstantinovich, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Galeeva Zukhra N., Yao Michail K., Emanova Juliana G., INTERPRETATION OF THE SUBJECT OF THE PASTURAL POEM IN THE TAPESTRY FROM THE PRIVATE COLLECTION//TURISMO-ESTUDOS E PRATICAS. - 2019. - №.01.-Vol., Is.. - p.p.1-9.- URL: http://natal.uern.br/periodicos/index.php/RTEP/issue/view/17
    Annotation The European tapestry of XI-XVII that have survived to our time are integral attributes of the interiors of that time. The combination of functionality and symbolic value provided tapestry an important place among the monuments of material culture. Living conditions that changed in the 18th century, the changes inthe requirements for interiors and visual range content, led to the end of tapestry fashion lasted for several centuries. The methodological basis for the study of tapestry history and technology was the work of the Russian expert in decorative and applied art N.Yu. Biryukova, the Hungarian authors -L. Emoke, K. Kiado. Tapestry is regarded as the symbiosis of two masters -the artist of the cardboard and the weaver. A brief overview of the European tapestry plot is given, beginning with the German rugs ofthe XIIth century and ending with the XVIIIth, when the creative approach of the master weaver is more and more controlled by the cardboard artist. The article defines the plot depicted on the 17th century tapestry, which belongs to the private museum of the International Institute of Antiques in Kazan (Russia). On this tapestry, the images are interpreted as the scenes from the pastoral novel Honore d'Urfe (1568 -1625) «Astrea«. The novel is a vivid example of precision literature. The tapestry illustrates several scenes from the novel.
    Keywords tapestry, interpretation of the plot, pastoral novel, artistic image, cardboard artist, weaver.1.INTRODUCTIONBy its nature, the art of tapestry is the creativity fruit of two professions at once. The first isa cardboard artist -an exact image of a future life-size carpet. It can be a plot or ornamental composition. Sometimes the best artists of that time were involved in their creation. During the Renaissance they were represented by Robert Kampen, Jan fan Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden, Hans Holbein (Jr.), Raphael, Andrea del Sarto; during the XVII-XVIII centuries: Nicolas Poussin, Peter Paul Rubens, Antoine Watteau, Francois Boucher, Fragonard, Francisco Goya and others. Even during the Gothic era, a characteristic technique for making cardboard was developed. The basis was a drawing of peanut ink and watercolor paints. Both well
    The name of the journal TURISMO-ESTUDOS E PRATICAS
    URL http://natal.uern.br/periodicos/index.php/RTEP/article/view/176/125
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