Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2020
  • Valeev Ilmir Irekovich, author
  • Salekhova Lyaylya Leonardovna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Valeev II, Salekhova LL (2020) Preservice Bilingual Teacher Training in the Multicultural Conditions of Tatarstan. In: Gafurov I, Valeeva R (Eds) VI International Forum on Teacher Education, Kazan Federal University, Russia. May 27 - June 9, 2020. ARPHA Proceedings 3: 2647-2661.
    Annotation The relevance of this article is explained by the fact that the globalization processes taking place in the system of world education determine the tendency to create a multilingual educational environment, which contributes to the formation of a multilingual personality whoknows and respects not only ownnative language and national culture, but also speaks other languages well and is wellorientated in the traditions of other nations. The purpose of the article is to consider the creation and justification of the theoretical foundations of a multilingual educational environment at the higher education levelas a condition for the professional training of future bilingual teachers who are able to teach their subject in two languages. The leading approach to the study of the problem of forming a multilingual educational environment for the professional training of a future bilingual teacher is based on the identification and systematic analysis of its specific features. The article discusses the theoretical aspects of creating a multilingual educational environment in the Republic of Tatarstan.Based on the analysis of the literature and our own experience of scientificaly practical activity, author's definitions of the concepts “multilingual educational environment”and “bilingual teacher”are proposed. The article substantiates that a multilingual educational environment, acting as one of the requirements for modern education, needs a specific approach and the definition of effective forms of work with students. The article may be of interest to specialists involved in the study of issues in the field of multilingual education.
    Keywords multilingual educational environment, polilingualism, multilingualism, bilingual teacher.
    The name of the journal ARPHA Proceedings
    URL https://ap.pensoft.net/article/22539/list/9/
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