Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2021
  • Khairova Irina Valentinovna, author
  • Snezhanka Dobreva Georgieva Snezhanka Dobreva, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Khairova Irina V., Georgieva Snezhanka D. Textual Competence of Future Primary School Teachers: Reality and Perspectives / Irina V. Khairova, Snezhanka D. Georgieva // Proceedings: IFTE-2021. - Pages 323-336 ,
    Annotation The professionalism of modern teachers is determined by the level of their proficiency in various competencies. In the paradigm of professional skills necessary for native language teachers working at the primary educational stage, textual competence is the key. The study of textual competence is currently one of the topical areas of linguistics and linguodidactics. Researchers consider textual competence in general theoretical and private applied aspects, from the point of teaching native or foreign languages. In this context, the article is focused on the researching the pragmatic and applied aspects of textual competence formation among future primary school teachers. The aim of the research is to develop tools for monitoring students' textual competence, to determine the rate of the competence formation. The leading research method was pedagogical experiment, in which 228 students took part: 159 – from Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen and 69 – from Kazan Federal University. To indicate the level of students' textual competence development, the study selected four actions with the text: reception, analysis, editing, and linguistic tasks. The conducted study allows us to identify trends in practice (in linguistic and methodological aspects) in the context of teachers' competence training, in particular the ones who will teach the Bulgarian/Russian language (as a native) in primary school; and to determine the main areas of work to improve students' textual competence as a value dominant of modern pedagogical education.
    Keywords textual competence, students, primary school teachers, speech activity, text.
    The name of the journal Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
    URL https://ap.pensoft.net/article/24270/
    Please use this ID to quote from or refer to the card https://repository.kpfu.ru/eng/?p_id=266656&p_lang=2
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