Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2022
  • Guseva Marina Igorevna, author
  • Yusupova Liya Gayazovna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Olga D. Kuzmina, Liya G. Yusupova, Marina I. Guseva. PHRASEOLOGICAL UNITS WITH NAMES OF TREES IN ENGLISH, GERMAN AND RUSSIAN // Res Militaris. - 2022, vol. 12, No 3. P. 711-716.
    Annotation The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the English, German and Russian phraseological units with phytonym components, namely the names of trees. The relevance of research is defined by the contemporary interest to the continuous interaction between different languages and intercultural communication. Phraseological system of any language is an important source of cross-cultural information which reflects the collective consciousness of the language community. The aim of the study is to reveal semantic and structural peculiarities of phraseological units with names of trees in three languages: English, German and Russian. The article deals with different types of phraseological units, including proverbs and sayings, with the names of trees in their structure. The study involved descriptive, comparative, interpretative, continuous sampling and statistical methods. Quantitative analysis showed that in all three languages predominate phraseological units with the names of trees growing mainly in the habitat of native speakers. The majority of these trees are related to paganism, mythology and peasant life. The results of the semantic analysis indicate that some phytonym components have the same meaning in English, German and Russian idioms, but there are also differences in the use of phytonyms in phaseologisms with the similar meaning in different languages.
    Keywords language, linguistics, culture, communication, phraseological unit, phytonym
    The name of the journal Res Militaris
    URL https://resmilitaris.net/menu-script/index.php/resmilitaris/article/view/1008/806
    Please use this ID to quote from or refer to the card https://repository.kpfu.ru/eng/?p_id=272754&p_lang=2
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