Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2023
  • Akhmetshin Elvir Munirovich, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Akhmetshin E. Enhancing advanced mathematical proficiency in economics students through software integration // Multidisciplinary Science Journal. 2023. T. 5. S. e2023064.
    Annotation The essential principles of advanced mathematics present significant challenges in higher education, particularly for students of economics. The comprehension and proficiency in numerous topics within this field are enhanced by employing problem-solving visualization. A potent instrument for this objective is the use of computer mathematics software packages. In the present context, Russian universities may face the critical issue of utilizing licensed software. As a viable solution, complimentary software products such as graphing tools can be employed for mastering advanced mathematics. This study focuses on the feasibility of using the GNU Octave software to teach advanced mathematical topics related to function analysis, with the goal of establishing a strong basis for its real-world use. The case study presented provides qualitative insights into the effectiveness of incorporating GNU Octave into advanced math instruction, using observational, analytical, and systematic approaches. The findings reveal an enhancement in learning outcomes with the application of GNU Octave software, underscoring the improved educational results in advanced mathematics for future economists through the adoption of freely available computer mathematical programs.
    Keywords economics, future specialist, statistical modeling
    The name of the journal Multidisciplinary Science Journal
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