Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationNon-approved textbooks
Year of publication2010
  • Zakirova Luiza Rifgatovna, author
  • Latypov Niyaz Rastamovich, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Zakirova L.R., Latypov N.R. English with favourite songs / L.R. Zakirova, N.R. Latypov. - Kazan: TGGPU, 2010. – 192 s. The book is designed as a flexible and adaptable source of supplementary materials for students of different levels (from elementary to upper-intermediate). It contains introductory notes on using the songs at the lessons, a wide range of listening tasks, a glossary of useful musical terms. There are quizzes, not just to test your general knowledge, but rather to motivate students to learn the language and music subjects under review. You may treat this book as a cross between a textbook and a reference book. The songs are arranged in accordance with themes. A variety of musical styles may suit a range of musical tastes.
    Annotation «English with favourite songs«. The book is designed as a flexible and adaptable source of supplementary materials for students of different levels (from elementary to upper-intermediate). It contains introductory notes on using the songs at the lessons, a wide range of listening tasks, a glossary of useful musical terms. There are quizzes, not just to test your general knowledge, but rather to motivate students to learn the language and music subjects under review. You may treat this book as a cross between a textbook and a reference book. The songs are arranged in accordance with themes. A variety of musical styles may suit a range of musical tastes.
    Keywords songs, foreign languages
    Please use this ID to quote from or refer to the card https://repository.kpfu.ru/eng/?p_id=32310&p_lang=2
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    English.with.favourite.songs.pdf 0,06 pdf show / download
    English.with.favourite.songs.book.pdf 2,26 pdf show / download

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