Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2013
  • Bochina Tatyana Gennadevna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Bochina T.G.Associativno-verbalnyy blok "voda" v russkoy paremike // Voda v slavyanskoy frazeologii i paremiologii. A viz a szláv frazeológiában és paremiológiában. Water in Slavonic phraseology and paremiology: Kollektivnaya monografiya. V 2 t. - Tinta könyvkiadó, Budapest, 2013/ Budapesht: Izd-vo «Tinta», 2013. - T.1.- S.169-173.
    Annotation Bochina T.G. Figurative Disidentification in Russian Proverbs. The article analyzes Russian Proverbs, representing the stylistic device of disidentification and the subsequent explanation. It is proved that proverbs of figurative disidentification represent a unique dialogue of times reflecting different stages of the development of human thinking and outlook. The article demonstrates that national proverbs get into dispute with stereotypes of a different sort: pagan and religious myths, platitudes and traditional formulas of folklore, symbolic rhythmic consonance, ritual symbolics, images of various genres of folk art. Keywords: Proverbs, stylistic device, negation, figurative disidentification
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