Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2014
  • Gumerov Timur Albertovich, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Gumerov T.A. Presumed consent to organ and (or) tissues removal. Legal aspect // Life Science Journal. - 2014/ - Volume 11(8s). - P. 265-267
    Annotation Unfortunately, nowadays it is technically much easier to remove organs form an alive (dead) donor and to carry out transplantation to a recipient than to find legally approved basis for these actions, especially when it comes to removal of organs and (or) tissues from a corpse. The article represents an attempt to suggest improvements that could be applied to legislation concerning organ transplantation. The author suggests that, it is required that a complex approach should be applied to improve the situation with transplantation legally, socially and economically. К сожалению, в современном мире технически выполнить операции по изъятию органов у живого (мертвого) донора и последующую трансплантацию их реципиенту значительно проще, чем юридически грамотно эти действия обосновать. Особенно если это касается изъятия органов и (или) тканей у трупа. В статье предпринята попытка усовершенствования законодательства о трансплантологии.....
    Keywords Transplantation, life, health, organ transplant, presumption of consent, donor, organs. Трансплантология, жизнь, здоровье, пересадка, презумпция согласия, донор, органы.
    The name of the journal Life Science Journal
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    URL http://www.lifesciencesite.com/lsj/life1108s/058_24911life1108s14_265_267.pdf
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