Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Form of presentationArticles in international journals and collections
Year of publication2014
  • Dulalaeva Irina Yulevna, author
  • Bibliographic description in the original language Irina Yulievna Dulalaeva, Politics and fiction: intertextual links // Life Science Journal 2014; 11 (10) – pp. 574-576
    Annotation The projection of political technological means and election campaign methods on the events described in the political novel and their comparison creates intertextual links, which contributes to thorough perception of characters, events and their development in fiction. The author aims to interpret the political storyline in terms of modern political science, comparing the legitimate and non-conventional means used in political campaigns with their literary reconstruction. In the author?s opinion, the two forms of the literary work existence ? the author?s and the one in the reader?s imaginative reconstruction can coincide in case the reader?s thesaurus lacks information gaps in the field accompanying the storyline. Stocktaking of Robert Penn Warren?s election technology reconstruction in the novel ?All the King?s Men? is in the focus of the article.
    Keywords Robert Penn Warren, ?All the King?s Men?, artistic reconstruction, political and election technologies, intertextual links, reader?s thesaurus
    The name of the journal Life Science Journal
    URL http://www.lifesciencesite.com/lsj/life1110/080_25405life111014_574_576.pdf
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